How To Get Free Money For College

The cost of getting advanced education is at an all-time high. Whether you’re going to a community college, or a state or private school, the money for tuition, materials, and other expenses add up quickly. 


There are several ways to get free money for college. With enough work and persistence, you can start to see some of the costs go down. Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to lower those costs. 

Grants and Scholarships

This should be your first place to look. Both state and federal colleges offer grants and scholarships to people who apply. 


They are mostly given to students who either need financial aid or have qualified by earning a high grade point average (GPA) in school. 


To begin applying for grants and scholarships, you must first fill out the Free Application For Federal Aid (FAFSA). This is the first application colleges will use to determine if you qualify for assistance. Go here to apply to FAFSA.


The earlier you finish your FAFSA, the better. Many grants and scholarships are offered on a first-come-first-served basis, so you could get more money the sooner you finish it. 

Military Service

Serving in the military opens up many opportunities to get money for college. The U.S. Coast Guard, Merchant Marine and Naval Academies, and Reserved Officer Training Corps (ROTC) offer free college and cash assistance. 


More than 1,700 colleges in the U.S. offer free college education through the ROTC. 


Americorps is another organization that offers educational assistance. Once you have completed the required community service, you will be eligible to apply. 

Corporate Assistance 

Many large companies (e.g., Starbucks, Disney) can help you with college payments. If you are currently employed, ask your manager about how you can get financial aid. 


If your boss sees that you want to go back to school while working, they may be happy to help you. After all, your education could help benefit their company. 


Companies will often help pay your tuition costs because it’s tax-free. A win-win for you and your employer. 

In-Demand Industries

Another important part of getting free money for college is what you choose to study. If you choose a field such as math, science, or nursing, companies could be willing to pay for you. 


You can also earn a TEACH grant through the Teach For America Program, and other opportunities are available in the Nurse Corps Repayment Program. 
